1920’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party

Jordan and Bella 1920s partyIMG_2846

Alyana and Bella 1920s party






Its the weekend YAY, but same questions as always….what should we do? You could pay an over priced movie ticket to see another superhero remake.  Or you could go to the bars and drink overpriced drinks with a lot of empty calories. Nope, all of those idea have been done over and over. A murder mystery dinner party is a new and exciting game to play! You can dress up, eat fancy foods, and play a murder mystery game! My sister, Jordan, went all out on this 1920’s murder mystery dinner party! Not only do all your guest dress to the theme, but you also set the mood by decorating your place towards the theme. Jordan did such a great job of decorating with fun pearls, sparkles, and black and white decorations throughout the whole house. So lets ditch the bars or the movies for a weekend and play a game filled with blackmail, extortion, and yes, even murder!

Again, special thanks to my sister for putting together an amazingly fun evening!

If you would like to purchase your very own dinner party click here

XoXo- Bella Hibbs