How The Casting Director Process Works

Most people don’t know that my day job is a Casting Director! That’s right a casting director, my company does casting for movies, television shows, commercials, and print shoots. Most people don’t really know or understand that casting process and all the work that goes into the casting session. Enjoy the full youtube video to learn more about the casting director process! If you are interested in learning more about being an actor visit my website,!


Good Faith Casting- Casting Process

A Planner Based on Your Brain Type – EVO Planner

Evo Planner

Are you just as obsessed with planners as I am?  I love planners and lists because I’m a super detailed oriented person. Evo reached out to me and asked if I would like to try their unique planner, I had no idea I would really click with this planner. Okay, let me explain what makes Evo more than just a planner. First you take a brain test on their website to figure out the best planner based on how your mind naturally processes information. Then you will purchase the correlating planner per your brain type.

Evo Planner Brain Types

There are 4 different brain types and I’m an architect which means I need order and balance to thrive! You can find your brain type HERE and get your brain report. Once you take your test (only takes about 5 minutes) screenshot your phone or computer and tag me on Instagram @bellahibbs! I would love to know your brain type.

Blogger Bella Hibbs Shares Evo Planner

Once you find out your brain type then you order that planner. All 4 planners are just a little different based on how your brain process information. I think this is so cool because my Architect planner is very list-oriented which I love but my husband who is an explorer has a different planner based on his brain type. Your Evo planner will be broken into 3 main sections.

  • Calendar
  • Weekly Plan / Weekly Review
  • Daily Planning

Evo Planner Calendar Pages

Evo Planner Weekly Plan / Weekly Review

Evo Planner Daily Planning

Evo Planner  Daily Gratitude

On your daily review you have a daily quote and you take a few minutes each day to think about what you are grateful for. According to Harvard Health Publishing, they say after 10 weeks, those who wrote about gratitude were more optimistic and felt better about their lives. In my architect planner I have a section for brain dump, this helps get ideas, thoughts or plans out of my head, pen to paper. Also each month you set a monthly ritual, this is something that you do each day.  I choose to do 10 push ups a day.

Evo Planner Plus APP

As if this planner wasn’t already amazing it also has an interactive app. Each day and each week you scan your planner into the app. Over time it will track your progress and help you focus. Because this is more than just a calendar it only tracks 3 months at a time.

Blogger Bella Hibbs Shares All About Evo Planners

I have been using this planner for a couple weeks and I love it. It really keeps me accountable each day. Plus I love starting each day with a taking a couple minutes reflecting on what I’m grateful for. I’m excited to see how my productivity increase over time while I use the app and planner. Don’t forget to take your brain test and tag me on Instagram, again I would love to know your brain type. I can’t recommend this Evo planner enough, you will love it! If you are interested in getting your own Evo planner you can get 10% off by using the code “BELLA10”. Plus follow Project Evo on Instagram for productivity tips and upcoming webinars.

Photography by Stacey Poterson

The Project Evo graciously sent me a planner, but as always, opinions expressed on Hibbs Life & Style are independent and comprehensive. Bella Hibbs is the founder and CEO of Hibbs Life & Style.

The 7 Best TED Talks You Need To See

Do you need a little motivation in your life or just feeling stuck? Check out this list of TED Talks you need to see! I personally watch TED talks while I do my fasted morning cardio, not only does it help the time go by faster but I end up feeling so motivated that I have a great day!

Bren̩ Brown РThe power of vulnerability

Amy Cuddy – Your body language may shapes who you are

Monica Lewinsky– The Price Of Shame

James Veitch – This is what happens when you reply to spam email

Simon Sinek – How great leaders inspire action

Jackson Katz- Violence and Silence

Mel Robbins– Stop Screwing Your Self Over

Do you watch TED Talks? Comment below and tell me some of your favorites that I need to watch!

Visit Hibbs Life and Style for fitness and fashion tips! #LifestyleBlogger

Visit Hibbs Life and Style for fitness and fashion tips! #LifestyleBlogger

Visit Hibbs Life and Style for fitness and fashion tips! #LifestyleBlogger

Visit Hibbs Life and Style for fitness and fashion tips! #LifestyleBlogger

Visit Hibbs Life and Style for fitness and fashion tips! #LifestyleBlogger

Outfit Details:

Shirt: Exact

Skort: Exact

Shoes: Exact

Photography by Jordan Hibbs Photography

Top New Mexico Casting Directors and Agents Panel

So many actors ask what the acting market is like in New Mexico. It is no secret that New Mexico’s film industry is booming! New Mexico offers 25% to 30% tax credit for films and TV shows. Due to this new great tax credit productions are flocking to New Mexico to film their project and this means huge opportunities to actors!

I run the Arizona casting office but Faith Hibbs- Clark CSA runs the casting office in New Mexico. I was lucky enough to go to the New Mexico Film and Media Conference 2017! Faith spoke on the top casting director and talent agents panel. This was an hour an half seminar and there so was SO much information.

Be sure to check out the full video to get some amazing information!

Continue reading “Top New Mexico Casting Directors and Agents Panel”

3 Networking Tips for Industry Events


Networking events can be a great source for new connections and generate jobs, but if you aren’t that great at networking you may end up dreading these events or may not even go. Here are 3 VERY easy tips to follow when going to a networking event. As always these tips work best when you continue to use them and practice over time till your a pro at networking.

BellaHibbs Phoenix Film Festival 2016

  1. Have a goal of what you want to accomplish. Don’t just go to event and not have a plan. Social media has made this easier than ever with Facebook events. You can see who is attending the event. Granted they might not actually make it but at least it gives you an idea of who is going and target certain people you would like to meet. Side note- I hate when people say they are going to an event but have no real intention of attending. So don’t be that person! 🙂
Jason and Bella Hibbs at the Phoenix Fim Festival 2016
Jason Isaak – Board Member of Arizona Production Association

2 . Listen to what they are saying, people love talking about themselves. Try and take an interested in the person outside of their job title. I always remember people who ask me about my hobbies. It makes the other person feel more at ease and that they are not just a means to an end to the other person.

Sophie and Bella Hibbs Phoenix Festival 2016
Sophia Good Faith Casting Spring Intern 2016

3. Know when to leave the conversation. Don’t linger! No one likes the awkwardness of someone who doesn’t know when to leave. Be aware of your surroundings and if you can see other people are also trying to talk to the same person then say thank you, get their business card and walk away. A great way to end a conversation is to ask if you can get a photo together. This is also perfect because then you can tag them later on social media. When you tag them later try to reference back to something they said in your conversation (that way it shows you were REALLY listening to them). This can be a great way to follow up with the person in a way that will make you stand out.

With these 3 simple tips you will become a master networker! So don’t dread networking parties, remember to just be yourself, have fun and follow these tips.

Outfit: Dress: Windsor, Shoes: Cathy Jean, Necklace: Charming Charlie

Lashes: Boss Babe Lashes

Spray Tan: Sun Kissed in the Hill Tanning

XoXo- Bella Hibbs


3 Tips to Stay on Track for you New Years Resolution

Thanks for watching my first Vlog of 2016 , hope you liked it 🙂

Here is some more information on a few points I mentioned in the video


Lauren Mcbride of

As I mentioned in the video she is a great nutritionist! If some of your new years goals have to do with fitness check her out! She has great E books, and you can follow her on Periscope for tips about nutrition!

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Finally to help stay on track get a planner! Being able to write down and track your goals will help you in the long run to achieving those 2016 goals!

Planner- Target

I hope this Vlog will help you stay on track for 2016!

XoXo- Bella Hibbs

3 Tips To Impress the Casting Director

Option 5 Screen shot 2015-02-02 at 9.15.25 PM

Professionalism is Key!

Many people forget this is a business. You have to treat acting/modeling as a business or you won’t get very far. Learn everything you can about this industry and reading this blog is already a great start! By learning about the market you can find out who is who and make sure you are being seen by the right people. As always have a business card handy to make connections with fellow colleagues.

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 Be Prepared! 

Come to an audition with all your tools. Always have an extra copy of your headshot and resume, you never know when someone will want your calling card. Be memorized, you wouldn’t come to set not memorized so don’t come to audition without be 100% prepared. Being on time to an audition is a plus but on that note don’t come super early.

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A “Thank You” Goes a Long Way!

Casting Directors/associates work very hard! Especially at Good Faith Casting we hand pick everyone who comes into our castings. We work very hard with each actor to get their best performance on tape. Recently an actor (who we booked in a national campaign) said that she was taught not to give a thank you gift to casting directors. I was shocked! Everyone loves to be thanked for their hard work. Of course, gifts are not required or expected but a nice thank-you is always appreciated. We love helping actor/models succeed in their career.

 Hope these 3 effortless tips launch you into a successful direction in your acting/modeling career. Leave a comment below on how you impress the casting team when you audition 🙂

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XoXo- Bella Hibbs

Don’t Just Think it, Ink It!

Last Christmas my best friend Stephanie gave me a book called “Where Will You Be In 5 Years from today”. It was perfect for me because I am always looking forward and how can i grow at a leader. One of the chapters was about goal setting. How we all will mentally set goals for our self but never truly follow up with them. The book instructed you to write down goals that you want to have happen in 1 year or less.  Here are some things I wrote down


Those are just a few of the things I wrote down and I can honestly say that I can cross some off my list.  I did lose weight! I tired new things like indoor rock climbing and underground cave hiking! I even graduated from Scottsdale Community College with an Associate in Hospitality degree. I didn’t buy an condo yet but I did find an amazing new apartment. Out of all my goals number 5, was a challenge. I didn’t know where to start or how to make this happen.

In April I was contacted my Nancy Neff, the Executive Director, Institutional Advancement and Community Engagement at Scottsdale Community College. She asked if they could do a story featuring  my sister Jordan and I’s experience at SCC and how our education has helped to launch our next chapters in our lives. 

Over the next few months Jordan and I did phone interviews and photo shoots at Scottsdale Community College. For some reason it still never crossed my mind that Jordan and I would be on the cover of the magazine. I thought they were just doing a little article about us. Well the magazine came out and we were BOTH on the cover and a 2 page spread about us! 


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I still cannot believe I am on a cover of a magazine! I feel so blessed and this only encourages me to continue making goals and crossing them off my list.   

To read the full article, click the link below and tell me what you think

Under Armour Casting


As most of you know I work at Good Faith Casting here in the valley of the sun. This past week we have been very busy with lots of castings and upcoming projects. Yesterday we did a web video casting for Under Armour.  It was truly a long hard day of work 😉

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If only I could have given everyone an audition!

All day long I got to audition good looking male models, who took their shirts off and flexed! Wow I’m not sure how I managed through the day 😉 Instead of me trying to explain my day, take a look at a few photo’s.

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Jay Jordan Model/Actor with Deborah Maddox Agency
Mark Grossman Model/Actor with Ford Robert Black Agency
Ricardo Padilla Model/Actor with The Agency Arizona

Castings like these make me love my job even more! Not sure how that is even possible because I already love working with such amazing people from the agents and clients to even the actors. What can I say, I must be a people person 🙂

Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend

XoXo- Bella HibbsÂ